"You get a strange feeling when you are about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and place because you'll never be this way ever again." ~Azar Nafisi
Some few months ago the Lord revealed to me that I would be going to Uganda for 2 months. From that moment of finding out I began to pray for this place. For the children, my co-workers, and overall for what God would do, knowing that no matter what happened it would be beautiful. I was ridiculous in thinking that I could even begin to imagine what He had up his robe sleeve!
Dearest friends, this will be my last blog post this side of Uganda. In a couple of days I will be making the trek back to the great
Throughout this entire summer I have had the
opportunity to see life in a whole new way. I have lived among folks who, in
every aspect, live differently than I do. Two months of trading every day
comforts in exchange for situations that now are hilarious to think back on. I
have gotten sick, twice, and have had a not so fun case of a worm. My name
Ashley no longer exists but I rejoice in the excitement of being called a
Muzungu…..most of the time. Many adventures have come my way and there have
been individuals that I have met that I am certain have made a forever impact
on my life. Then there are my students
who daily represented Christ WELL. On top of this, my Pops opened the door for me
to meet my Compassion daughter, who I’m pretty sure fully possess my heart now
and boy do I miss her! Phew, do I miss her!
It would be very easy for me to go on and when you
see me I’ll have hundreds of stories to share, but the most important thing
that I want people to know is what my
King has taught me while being here. It’s the simplest yet most complicated
thing to understand. That God is good. I don’t mean “this ice-cream is good” or
“wow, that was a good episode of The Bachelor.” I mean the Creator of all
things is in the most beautiful, purest, passionate way…good.
That should be a simple enough concept, but along
with so many other followers, I have found that I make it very difficult. As I
have journeyed through the summer God has made me evaluate whether or not I
believe in His goodness and the work He is doing. To take in life here, outside
of my comfort zone, to see things that I don’t understand & that break my heart and
still say He is good.
I must confess and say this was not an easy task.
The journey here has been difficult. The students at Kireka test you every
single moment of the day. I have seen children digging through trash for food
and have met many that have been abandoned by their parents. I have mourned
with my co-worker as she lost her whole family and have faced parents that I
have become so angry with because of their lack of responsibility. There is
sickness and poverty and many days it became overwhelming. But yet He is still
He is good because His word declares it and I trust
His word. Many moments it was fully depending on faith without sight, but
because I trust in His goodness I know that He is present.
When I would trust Him to strip my spoiled, American eyesight, He would go above and beyond to
show me this. He is present in my students’
laughter. He is present when one student protects another. He is present when
another family adopts an abandoned child. He is present when those hungry
children can reach for mangos that have been abundantly provided and He is
present when an entire village comes together to bring comfort. He is present.
Two months flew by and even now I know that He has
not revealed all of what He wants me to know about this chapter. I treasure
that because this is a place that I will not forget. So months and years from
now when I look back or when I visit, I will be listening for His reminders of
what He has done and what He is doing. I will miss this place terribly but as I
head across the pond I find complete rest in knowing that the King of Kings
loves these people, is present, and is good.
Thank you for following me during my time in Uganda.
Your prayers and encouragement are appreciated more than you may ever know. I
look forward to coming home and I pray that I reflect my Pops a bit more than
when I left.
I encourage you folks that are reading this to step out and allow
God to challenge you outside of your comfort zone. To trust Him to do a work on you and I guarantee it will be a
beautiful journey.
Alrighty, now for you to meet my Compassion Child. Be prepared, she's adorable!!
Alrighty, now for you to meet my Compassion Child. Be prepared, she's adorable!!
My dear Agnes, 7 1/2 years old (gotta add the half) |
Gifts from Granny |
Her friends |
My Ugandan Family |
Having to say "see you later" |