"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every experience you believe to be the will of God." ~Jim ElliotOli otya (common greeting here) readers, I wanted to give a quick update on life here at Kireka, but more importantly I wanted to take this opportunity for some of you, who don't have the famous Facebook, to "meet" the students that you have been praying for.
Life here at Kireka, is running smoothly....well our version of smoothly. The students are daily teaching me something new about themselves and about the beautiful King we serve. Each day is full of laughter, "whoopsies," and grace in the times that I fail. This next week will be the last full week with my students and I am extremely sad about this. The students were supposed to start holiday on Aug. 3, but things in Africa, can always change within minutes. They will all begin to head home this coming Friday. With the change in plans I'm not sure what the next week will look like for me, but I rest in the fact that my Pops has lived these days before me and He has it all under control.
Outside of my work here at Kireka, I've had the chance to visit different schools, be a guest speaker, and help assess a child, to then help the family start their next step with her. I have also traveled a bit and have had the chance to spend wonderful moments with new Ugandan friends as well as other American Missionaries.
From this point I only have 15 full days left here in Uganda. As I am already saying "see you later" to folks I am aware that I may not ever see these people again this side of heaven and that leaves me with a heavy heart. So with that, I ask that you would be praying that I would finish my time here well. That I would truly understand that I am only a vessel and that God is the one who expands His kingdom. He is more than sufficient and He loves
Now, to give you a better glimpse into my world.
A view of Uganda |
Visiting the sister school |
Traditional Ugandan Dance |