Monday, February 27, 2012

gotta start somewhere

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~Confucius

       It's 11 pm and I'm exhausted but after weeks of being bugged encouraged by my momma I figure now is as good as time as any to start this blog. 

      By now most everyone that is reading this is doing so because they know I'm going back to Africa this summer to work in Uganda for 2 months. Saying that I am overwhelmed would be an understatement....I truly feel like there should be a word that is deeper that describes how I feel about going for 2 months to a culture that I have missed so very much. Eight weeks to live among people that I've never met, in a city that I really know nothing about, to work with children who many may see unfit to invest in, and to probably eat food that is questionable. Why? Because my Pops asked me to. Simple enough, yes?

   Even though I'm leaving in a few months I thought I would go ahead and introduce you to the world I live in for the main hope to help broaden people's perspective on beauty! 

Meet the ladies of Martha House!
Cruise 2012

 I work at Down Home Ranch, which is an intentional living/working ranch for adults with a variety of intellectual disabilities and I have the privilege to live with these 4 wonderful ladies. This past week/end-ish Down Home Ranch went on a cruise to Cozumel. We took a total of 29 adults with special it was no surprise to us when we got a lot of quizzical looks from folks or when we as the staff were asked many different questions...because 29 folks with special needs will make their presence known. But what always shocks me is when people say "it takes such a special person to do what you do!" I always politely respond with a thank you and then once done talking to them I giggle a bit because they have no clue. 

People have no clue that I live/work/interact with these folks on a daily basis because I want to see life through their eyes. These women, along with so many other folks with special needs, are the greatest missionaries and they don't even realize it! They see life simply, laugh with out care, love unconditionally, and forgive without question. So yes call me selfish, but this is how I so desperately want to live life. I very much want to see the beauty of life in the way my girls do. To, without reservation, attack each day with their attitude and to rest my head each night with similar ease. 

I once had a friend tell me that God has "asked me to love people that others aren't sure how to." I have pondered on this for quite some time and have come to the conclusion that by loving "these people" I am actually discovering what it means to love....ironic huh!

Pictures from the cruise,

Finished swimming with the dolphins

Gettin their jam on!

A fried, boiled weird!


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